NEBOSH construction qualification secures CSCS recognition

NEBOSH construction qualification secures CSCS recognition NEBOSH, one of the world’s leading health and safety awarding bodies, has secured recognition from the Construction Skills Certification Scheme (CSCS) for its UK construction qualification...
Black Friday offer on all Open Courses with Oak Tree

Black Friday Offer 10% off open courses until the 2nd December 2022
Our offer is only available on public courses
This offer is not applicable to in-company training.
Courses must be booked and attended for the remainder of 2022 and cannot be...
NEW NEBOSH Construction

New NEBOSH Construction:
A practical qualification that gives you the skills and confidence to take on health and safety responsibilities in the construction industry.
HSE to inspect construction sites on manual handling!
HSE inspectors will be carrying out 1,000 inspections in October and November checking how workers are moving heavy or bulky materials.
Oak Tree Training is Launching Insights, for your people creating breakthroughs for your business

Oak Tree Training is Launching Insights, for your people creating breakthroughs for your business
Our NEBOSH Environment Delegate Jeremy Pearl is awarded Best Candidate Award for NEBOSH Environment!

Nebosh Candidate To Receive Top Performance Award
Oak Tree Delegate is awarded Best Candidate Award for NEBOSH Environment

NEBOSH Graduation and Awards Ceremonies - 5 September 2022 To acknowledge the achievements of successful Diploma candidates, NEBOSH organises Graduation Ceremonies incorporating best candidates' presentations.
Health & Safety Week at Oak Tree Management & Training Ltd

The purpose of health and safety is to protect your workers, sub-contractors, customers and members of the public when they are involved with your business. You have a duty of care under the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 but more than that, i...
Learning at Work Week 2022

Learning at Work Week 2022 takes place from 16th to 22nd May 2022
Learning at Work Week is a unique annual event to build learning cultures at work.
It aims to put a spotlight on the importance and benefits of continual learning and development.
ILM - Develop the skills, knowledge and personal abilities you need to succeed

ILM qualifications are designed to help managers increase staff efficiency and ensure that their businesses run at an optimum level of productivity. Training courses can be tailored to the needs of individual organisations and their managers.
New Client Offer
New Customers Receive 10% off their first open course booking with us in 2022.